On this episode we take on a profession that has been around since the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. We are joined by Linda Anene – Senior Legal Counsel at Safaricom PLC and also the Founder and Chairlady of Lawyers in Technology (L.I.T.) Lean in Circle which is a women circle of thirty (30) women lawyers predominantly based in the ICT industry in Kenya. We are also joined by June Okal – Legal Trainee at Google (Sub Saharan Africa). She also serves as Co – Organizer for Legal Hackers Nairobi – a Global Community for Lawyers and Technologists who meet to discuss matters at the intersection of law and technology, and writes for Techweez, the leading technology blog in Kenya.
Discussions on the podcast revolve around the future of the legal profession and how lawyers need to prepare themselves for the imminent disruption in their field. Will it really change that much? Is there an oversupply of lawyers today? All this and more on this episode.

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